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Young Yorkie Puppy Growth Analysis  -  See How They Grow
At birth we give the Yorkie puppies colors, so we can tell them apart as they grow. 
It makes it easy to keep our yorkies straight during the daily checks, weigh ins & socialization exercises.  I am going to post some weekly pictures and weights so you can see the normal growth process of a litter of Yorkies.  Let me know what you think.

3 Day old Yorkie -->

At birth weights were:

Lavendar (Female) weighs 4 oz

Male 3 1/2 ounces

1 week old Yorkie

At about 3 days the tails are docked and dew claws are removed


2 week  old Yorkie

 Eyes are open  &  they are beginning to move around at this time moving around now


3 weeks old


4 weeks old


5 weeks old


6 weeks old

 first set of shots this week


7  weeks old


8  weeks old


9  weeks old



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